Youth participatory budgeting

Starting from 2010, the share of young Europeans aged between 15 and 24 interested in politics has increased, and in the last few years half of them said to be moderately or strongly interested in politics.

Research studies identified the increasing use of new media for youth to express their ideas related to social and civic communication. For instance, blogs, youth networks and podcasts are becoming more and more popular among youth, and they are considered as effective tools to facilitate peer and community-based politics and debates related to the current challenges. Even though many young people living in Europe consider themselves as European citizens, it seems that democratic participation is not a concrete priority for the EU.

It would be interesting here to mention the importance of offering youth participatory budgeting, which “is a way of involving young people in deciding how public money should be sent”(SALTO). The experience of the local participatory budgeting programme Com’ON Cluj Napoca.

In 2020 young people were encouraged to reflect upon 4 different perspectives of wellbeing: health, learning, agency and environment and they received hundreds of ideas. Once submitted, with the support of webinars guiding the process, a public voting to choose the winning project was organized. The groups with the winning ideas were in charge for implementing the idea and disseminating it.

Provided with a tight budget, one of the winning groups (young artists) repainted an old tram that contributed to make the city more colorful. The idea behind this experience is that it served the local community on the one hand, and raised awareness among young people on the value of planning, presentation, implementing and reporting on the other hand.

Do you want to here more about the COM’ON Cluj Napoca experience? Click here: